Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Short Term with a Lasting Impact

It seems that short term missions are sometimes thought of as less significant or of lesser impact than long term service.  They are often viewed as sort of a stepping stone to a real ministry effort.  And while it is true that some missions can be shortsighted, this perspective really puts limits on how God can work through every opportunity.  My four months of service with EMI this fall is short term.  This doesn't mean that I don't have a long term mindset.  It would be easy to think of it as a good experience to have under my belt and then move on, but God is able to do so much more.

During my little bit of spare time I've been reading a book about short term missions and how to prepare for them.  The author's idea of recognizing Paul's journeys in Acts as short terms is interesting to me.  Of course Paul didn't just travel to a foreign land, preach the gospel, and forget about the people he came to help.  After returning home he prayed for the communities and churches that he developed relationships with.  He cared for them through his letters.

"We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers.  We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
The purpose is not to simply to accomplish some task or good deed.  We are developing relationships with other believers and helping to build Christ's church.  The calling from the Lord is to obey Him and and let the Spirit work in us.  This is a quote from a Christian martyred for her faith that speaks to this truth:
"The missionary heart: Care more than some think is wise. Risk more than some think is safe. Dream more than some think is practical. Expect more than some think is possible. I was called not to comfort or success but to obedience.  There is no joy outside of knowing Jesus and serving him."
Karen Watson, 2004
 As I continue to prepare myself for service I just want to do my best to remember that God's purpose will prevail regardless of my successes or failures.  It isn't me working, but the Spirit working through me.

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