Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Blessings and Goodbyes

Myself, Shogo, and Harold at the Technology Center
A funny thing happened the other day; I blinked and summer was gone.  At the end of my time with HCJB last week, I was excited to finally finish my projects and wrap things up.  While our work with the solar thermal tower had pretty limited success, we learned a good amount about the technology and its potential in the short amount of time we had.  As a new research and development project, from the start we knew that it could work well, or it could be impractical.  Basically our testing results and conclusions provided the framework for further development of this project, showing the need for a larger scale tower.

During my time at the Technology Center I also designed the electrical, water supply, and wastewater disposal facilities for a new RV parking pad being installed on the grounds.  As the funding comes in, construction should start soon.  The addition will let working visitors with RVs or trailers to stay at the Tech Center, providing more opportunity for help from volunteers.  Fortunately that will be something I left behind that will be
more tangible and useful immediately.

Unfortunately I had to say goodbye to so many people that have had a big impact on me in just these few months.  Having a great group of interns in and outside of work made the summer so much more meaningful.  I wouldn't have been able to do a lot of things without having them around - interesting lunch conversations, after-work frisbee, camping, and getting sunburned at the beach.  Unfortunately it seems like we had just enough time to become friends, and then we went our separate ways.  Our group was welcomed into the young adult group Bible study with Sugar Grove Church, which was really important to me.  To be able to share ideas and struggles with a group of Christians in similar places in life was one of God's many blessings He had ready for me in Elkhart.  I also owe a lot to Sarah and Andrew for not only letting me live with them, but feeding me (no small task), driving me around, and being my substitute parents for the summer.  I am very thankful for you guys.

These past few months God has shown me why He wanted me here.  Not only have I gained some valuable experience in engineering, but also developed meaningful relationships.  And I think that's more important than anything else.  God has been teaching me many truths through personal experience.  If there's one thing I've learned it's that missionaries are not super Christians.  I've had the opportunity to meet and work with many of them from all over the world.  And while I wouldn't necessarily call them normal (sometimes crazy is a better word), there is usually nothing spectacular about them.  What strikes me about the missionaries I have come in contact with is the passion they have for their work, and the interdependence they have with fellow believers.  The experience has given me a more open mind about missions, and the different ways God allows us to serve Him.  Now I can see how even technical skills in engineering can be used directly to spread the Word.  It's something that creates a spark inside me, and I am excited about the possibilities that God has in store.

This has been an exciting time, I leave for Colorado in two days!  But it has also been a tough time of saying goodbye to family and friends.  Having to leave for a while makes me realize what a great support I have here: an amazing group of friends, supportive and encouraging family, and prayer warriors standing behind me.  As I travel out west, and to the far east, I will be thinking of you all and keeping you in my prayers.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fully Supported!

I am excited to say that I have received all the financial support I will need for my time of service with eMi this Fall!  Seeing how it has all come together has been an amazing experience of learning to wait on God and not doubt Him.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried about raising support right from the beginning.  Not that I didn't think God could do it, there's just a sort of feeling of helplessness when you know you don't have any real control over a situation.  But of course God always provides, in this case through the generosity of family, friends, and fellow believers.  If there's one thing that I find difficult to learn it's that I don't need to always have everything planned out and under control.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:33-34 
 Summer has gone by quickly, as always, and I am nearing the end of my time with HCJB here in Elkhart.  This is my last week and I am trying to wrap things up while preparing for the next adventure.  The trip to Colorado Springs begins August 18.  I will be driving with a couple fellow interns from Chicago, stopping in Omaha to see family, and then arriving in time for orientation at eMi.  That first week will be a time to meet all the other interns and become spiritually prepared for our projects.  After that I'll be living in an apartment rented out by friends of eMi with two other interns.  It'll feel like going back to college again, having a roommate and all.

Since I've been asked frequently about all the dates coming up, here's a brief schedule:
  • August 18           Leave for Colorado Springs
  • September 17     Leave for Thailand (trip lasts 3 weeks)
  • October 8           Return to Colorado Springs to finish design work
  • December 15      End of my term
I'm excited and very thankful for all the ways God is blessing me.  Please continue to pray for this time of preparation leading up to starting in a new place.