Monday, August 8, 2011

Fully Supported!

I am excited to say that I have received all the financial support I will need for my time of service with eMi this Fall!  Seeing how it has all come together has been an amazing experience of learning to wait on God and not doubt Him.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried about raising support right from the beginning.  Not that I didn't think God could do it, there's just a sort of feeling of helplessness when you know you don't have any real control over a situation.  But of course God always provides, in this case through the generosity of family, friends, and fellow believers.  If there's one thing that I find difficult to learn it's that I don't need to always have everything planned out and under control.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:33-34 
 Summer has gone by quickly, as always, and I am nearing the end of my time with HCJB here in Elkhart.  This is my last week and I am trying to wrap things up while preparing for the next adventure.  The trip to Colorado Springs begins August 18.  I will be driving with a couple fellow interns from Chicago, stopping in Omaha to see family, and then arriving in time for orientation at eMi.  That first week will be a time to meet all the other interns and become spiritually prepared for our projects.  After that I'll be living in an apartment rented out by friends of eMi with two other interns.  It'll feel like going back to college again, having a roommate and all.

Since I've been asked frequently about all the dates coming up, here's a brief schedule:
  • August 18           Leave for Colorado Springs
  • September 17     Leave for Thailand (trip lasts 3 weeks)
  • October 8           Return to Colorado Springs to finish design work
  • December 15      End of my term
I'm excited and very thankful for all the ways God is blessing me.  Please continue to pray for this time of preparation leading up to starting in a new place.

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