Sunday, September 4, 2011

Walking In Step

Having completed my first week in the office at eMi, this long weekend is quite a relief from the busy schedule, giving me some much needed rest.  It's hard to believe so much has happened in the past couple weeks.  During the first week of orientation we discovered and discussed our strengths and spiritual gifts.  One of my strengths was "Futuristic" which basically means I am always looking ahead and seeing how things could be in the future.  While this psychological test tells me this is a strength, I usually see it as a weakness.

A lot of times I find myself thinking, "Where does God want me to go?  What if I make a wrong decision?  Is that really God's voice in my head, or my own?"  Sometimes I want God to be like some kind of divine GPS, telling me turn by turn directions for exactly what He wants me to do.  As if God's will is this intricate map that He has laid out, hoping we don't take one wrong turn and mess it all up.  There are times when I find myself getting so caught up trying to figure out the direction God is leading me in the future that I miss what's right in front of my face.
"Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. 
Proverbs 19:21

The former president of HCJB Global, Ron Cline, spoke to us during our devotion time at the Technology Center over the summer saying, "God's will is a journey, not a destination."  So many times we make plans and think we know where we're headed, and then God changes those plans unexpectedly.  I have learned this the hard way a few times.  At eMi we have talked about how God is not calling us to a specific place or action, but He is calling us first to Himself.
During the summer at a Bible study with a local church group we discussed what it looks like to follow Christs' example of caring for the poor around us.  One thing that came up that's important to remember is that we can't often accomplish big things.  Usually it's the small actions we take each day that make all the difference in the lives of others.  God nudges us toward action, presenting opportunities for us to show His love to people around us every day.  As for me I need to work on not trying to run ahead of God to figure everything out, but walking in step with Him each day.
"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Galations 5:25

1 comment:

  1. Ben,

    One of my strengths is "Futuristic" as well, and I always have the same questions. I want to know exactly what I should do next. Like you said, the key is to seek God and He will show us the way.

    -Tim Zach
