Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thailand Highlight #1: Co-workers with the Creator

About a week ago we had the opportunity to share about our project trip in Thailand with the rest of the Colorado Springs office.  It wasn't a time to tell about how design objectives were met or all the things we were able to get done.  This was a time to share how God was working and what He taught us during our time on the trip.  We had plenty to talk about.

For eMi project trips, and I'm sure most other trips like them, the thing that stands out the most is usually not the actual work that is accomplished.  The most impactful part is the relationships formed with people.  I definitely experienced this while we were in Thailand.  Close relationships are formed when you work with someone day in and day out.  And everywhere we went it seemed we met people who were full of life and plenty of interesting stories; people like missionaries with the Free Burma Rangers who left the comfort of their home countries to serve, guys volunteering to come help with our build project at the last minute, medics who risk their lives for others, refugees who can still be content, and travelers just passing through on an adventure.  Many of these people came to us only by God's perfect timing and according to His plan.

In our intern Bible study at the office we have been looking through Ecclesiastes and wrestling with Solomon's words of wisdom.  Some of the main themes point to the idea that the physical work we do in this world does not define us.  It does not carry the weight of God's glory.  But when we work with God, He blesses us in our labor and builds a relationship with us through that process.  It's incredible that God allows us to accomplish His purpose, to work alongside our Creator.  When you combine this with working side by side with other followers of Christ, I think it's a real picture of how God wants us to live.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.  That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.  I know that everything God does will endure forever... 
Ecclesiastes 3:11-14
These are some pictures of my co-workers in Christ.  They are people we built relationships with, bridging gaps between cultures and languages.  I loved seeing how God brought all these people together for His purpose.  God is working in the lives of of many all over the world in this way, and the experience was a huge encouragement for me to strive to continue working at building Christ-centered relationships wherever I go in life.

I took a few pictures during the trip of the build project, Chiang Mai, and Korea.






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