Sunday, January 22, 2012

Return to Ecuador

The voice and hands of Jesus:
This is what HCJB Global strives to be through media and healthcare ministries around the world.  My first connection with HCJB Global was my senior design project at Calvin College.  A team of four of us designed a wastewater treatment system for an HCJB hospital in Ecuador.  We traveled to Hospital Vozandes del Oriente in Shell, Ecuador to complete surveys, water and soil testing, and discuss solutions with HCJB staff.  That was an amazing experience that further grew my interest in ministry through health and water projects in developing countries.

Last summer while I was working at the HCJB Technology Center in Indiana, I was able to get to know a number of missionaries and make some more unique connections.  In a conversation with the staff, the opportunity to go back to Ecuador to serve with the water projects team was presented to me.  Ever since visiting the hospital there and learning about the ministry I had been drawn to the idea.  Unfortunately it seemed that it was not meant to be.  I had committed to plans with the Peace Corps in Honduras right after my internship with eMi, and that was that.  Or so I thought...

Well as I've been continuously learning, God often changes plans.  My assignment in Honduras was cancelled unexpectedly, God's way of letting me know He had other ideas.  After making my way through that confusion and uncertainty and getting the new assignment in Panama, I was left to question the timing of everything.  What does God have for me in these months in between?  I use the analogy of doors opening and closing all the time, but I can't think of a better way to describe it than just that.  God closes one door, only to open another.

A few weeks ago I got in contact with friends at HCJB and discussions moved toward water projects in Ecuador.  I knew God was working on something again, which is sort of an uncomfortable feeling.  That discomfort is something I have been learning to accept because of the rewards that come with obedience to God's calling.  Anyway, I made some contacts in Ecuador and they decided I would be a great fit since I had not only worked with HCJB over the summer, but also in Ecuador.  Bruce, who is in charge of water projects, even suggested for me to possibly continue the work on the project my senior design team developed, along with a nearby water project.  This just seemed too good to be true, but the more I considered this and prayed about it, the more I felt God moving things into place.

As of now, God willing, I will be serving with HCJB water projects during the months of February and March.  This is very exciting for me as I continue to explore the passion God has given me for development work, especially in water and sanitation.  Even though there are unknowns and doubts, as always I know that God is in control and He is working.  It gives me peace knowing that I have nothing to worry about, that I just have to trust.  While there's no doubt that God will use this for His glory and not my own, I'm anxious to do the work that He has prepared for me.

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 
1 Corinthians 15:58

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