Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hands to Work, Hearts to God

The title of the blog has been changed.  I'm very indecisive about these things.  Maybe it will change again, no guarantees.  So I took the phrase from the Shakers, which are kind of like the Amish, which I guess is appropriate since I'm in Indiana...  Let's not over analyze it.

Anyway I think the title pretty well sums up what the life of a believer should be.  We put our God-given talents to work, we are not spectators in life waiting around for something to happen.  God calls us to work at transforming this world.  At the same time we realize that our work means nothing if our hearts are not devoted to the Lord.  Remembering this helps keep me on track as far as my motivations for what I do.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 
Colossians 3:23-24
Having finished my first week working at the HCJB Global Technology Center here in Elkhart, it's becoming very clear why God wanted me here.  I'm getting opportunities thrown at me faster than I can catch them.  My project is pretty interesting: Shogo Matsuki and I, with our supervisor Harold, are developing an alternative energy solution to provide power to small radio transmitters and health clinics for HCJB ministries in rural Africa.  Getting to know the other interns from all over the country (and world) has been great.  It should be a good summer with these guys (and girl).
The summer crew: Caleb, Shogo, me, Emily, Ian, Brian, and Scott (our intern liaison)
We found Tom, a civil engineer who is going to be my mentor for the summer, and it turns out he lives about a mile from me, go figure.  Tom has offered to show me some project sites around Elkhart, a great opportunity.  I'm also getting involved in a Bible study and possibly a church small group.  Sarah and Andrew have been great hosts, besides all the yard work and dishes they've made me do, I couldn't ask for anything more.

So needless to say, I'm very excited about the experiences I'll have this summer and the impact I can have here at HCJB.  For everyone who has been praying for me, God is answering those prayers in ways I never expected.  That seems to be the way He often works.

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