Thursday, June 2, 2011

Trusting God to Provide

When I first considered working for a mission organization I have to admit the thought of raising my own support was pretty intimidating.  But I have realized that it's not just about raising money, it's about gathering all the people that have had a positive impact in my life and allowing them to be a part of my ministry.  With spiritual and financial support from family and friends I am held accountable while being encouraged.  It's a great feeling to have others stand behind me, giving me the strength I need.
"Two are better than one... if one falls down, his friend can help him up.  But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!"
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 
God has blessed me with supportive family and friends to surround me and lift me up.  I am very grateful to have a place to stay here in Indiana.  My sister and brother-in-law, Sarah and Andrew, have kindly opened up their house to me for the summer.  Just another way that God has provided.

I am focusing my financial support raising efforts on my internship with EMI in the fall.  This is because the program involves a more significant financial need, including housing and international travel.  My goal is to raise $7000 before the start of my term in August.  

God is definitely teaching me about dependence on Him.  At times I am tempted to think that I am self-sufficient and don't need help from anyone.  By putting me in this situation, God is showing me this is not true.  The more I trust Him to provide, the more God can accomplish through my service.

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