Monday, October 3, 2011

By His Power

Well unfortunately I haven't been able to get to a computer long enough to write anything about the trip until now.  Even so I will probably just scratch the surface of what's been going on the past two weeks and how God has been working.  Anyway we finished our construction training and building project on Friday and have since been back in Chiang Mai.  This week is the ECHO Conference on sustainable agriculture, community development, and appropriate technology.  Seth, Rex, and I are attending the conference to represent eMi as a ministry and do some networking with other organizations.  Hopefully we'll learn a lot about different development strategies at the same time.  So we'll be here until Thursday and then fly to Seoul, then back home  by Saturday.

About a week and a half ago our eMi team arrived in a small jungle village in Mae Sariang near the northern Burma border.  The work site was at our host Monkey's house, a post for the Free Burma Rangers.  We worked with a group of Karen medics, some amazing believers who have extreme dedication to their calling to help their people in Burma.  The building process went very well thanks to answered prayer and very hard workers among both the eMi team and the Karen.  The FBR team learned very quickly how to build with earthbags and put together the hypar roof system.  After discussion with the lead missionary doctor and the team, we have a lot of confidence in their ability to make it happen for the clinic in Burma.

There are so many good stories but I don't have time to tell them all right now.  Needless to say, God did some amazing things through this project.  He used the experience to teach me that our work is by his power and we are capable of nothing without Him.  But right now I'm just happy I don't need to haul any more buckets of dirt in the heat and humidity of the jungle.

More details and pictures will be sure to follow when I get a chance.  Again, I want to thank everyone for supporting me in this, I know you have played a huge role in the success we had.  And of course, thanks be to God above all.

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