Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Faces

Having been in Quito for just three weeks now, I am amazed at all that I have been learning.  Being placed into a foreign environment with people who don't always think or act the same way that I do makes for some accelerated growth in my worldview.  What's been really great is seeing the different people from various backgrounds that have been put in my path along the way.

The past few weeks I worked with Phil, a volunteer with the water projects team.  He is an engineer working as a consultant for the expansion project of the Panama Canal.  Phil also volunteered in the Peace Corps in Chile a while back.  After some great conversations about how our faith can be lived out in different ways, we decided to try and get together when we are both in Panama in the future.  It's small connections like this where I see how God continues to prepare the way for me.

Talks with Bruce, the water projects director, have also led to plans for continued contact when I am in Panama.  It's nice to know that on top of all the support I have from home, there are people I am getting to know here who I will be able to get advice and gain knowledge from, even after I leave.  There are many others I have run across to be able to spend time with and share experiences here: some from my motherland (Dutch people), missionaries, locals, old friends from my last trip to Ecuador, fellow Michiganders, and even a few Calvin grads.  I am excited to see how relationships will continue to develop, because I never know what will become of them, or who I will run into around the next corner.

Tube rafting with Debbie, Carissa, and Marco

Tomorrow I head out to Carabuela again with Wim and Roberto to work on the disinfection of the community water supply.  We will be there for two or three days, depending on how much work we need to get done.  This will be some real hands on engineering work, which is good.  We will need God's guidance as we try to help the community while keeping them completely involved with the changes in their water system.  It's nice to not have to rely on our own ability, knowing that God will be working through us.

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